The Story of Ted

I got an email from Ted a few days ago. Ted is from Canada and got sick with glioblastoma in September 2018. It all started in a way similar to other cases … persistent severe headaches that are underestimated until the headache is so bad that you end up in the emergency room where a CT scan and an MRI revealed the presence of a tumor. The infiltrative character of the lesion as revealed by MRI points toward the diagnosis of a tumor of high grade. It was then decided to proceed with surgery and the histological examination decreed that it was a glioblastoma. What is not common is how Ted decided to react besides the fact that Ted is still with us. In fact, Ted has decided to make his story and his battle with glioblastoma useful for others and has developed the website in which he provides possibilities to those like him who have to deal with this cancer. Ted’s blog.

As reported in his blog, Ted had a total resection and then followed the STUPP protocol but also immediately started following a special ketogenic diet called Keto for Cancer. Always looking for new treatments, Ted asked to do a genetic analysis of his glioblastoma to try precision therapies that he actually completed. Ted has also experimented with the use of supplements such as Boswellia, he had to suspend chemotherapy due to a drop in platelets, he has experienced the anxiety of waiting for the outcome of periodic resonances and he is still with us to fight and wants to share his experience.

In fact, it is with great pleasure that I announce that Ted will be with us on Wednesday 28 September from 19:00 to 20:30 to tell us his story. The event, the fifth in the series, will take place in the usual way: it will open with a very brief presentation of the voluntary organization Glioblastoma.IT ODV, will follow the talk of the speaker and will end as usual with a session open to participants dedicated to questions and answers.

WEDNESDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2022 7.00pm – 8.30pm

19:00-19:10 Dr. Roberto Pugliese – Introduction
19:10-19:50 Ted and his GLIOBLASTOMA
19:50-20:20 Questions and Answers
20:20-20:30 Dott. Roberto Pugliese – Conclusion of the works

Two platforms will be used for the event: Zoom and YouTube. The event will also be recorded to make it available and accessible even to those who cannot participate. Links to the zoom event to participate in the conference and to the youtube channel to follow the event in streaming are reported below.

Link to the videoconference on the Zoom platform: >>> Link Zoom. <<<

Link to the streaming recording of the video conference on YouTube: >>> YouTube channel. <<<