News from Research on the fourth Two Months 2020
This is the fourth article of the project which aims to periodically (every two months) collect research news on possible treatments for glioblastoma multiforme. Here are the news that I found most significant. As for the last two months, each news item will be preceded by the original title with links to the source and followed by a short comment. The criterion with which the news is chosen is for now to include only the news relating to research in the clinical phase, unless the potential of research for the treatment of glioblastoma is truly remarkable.
Early Imaging Marker of Progressing Glioblastoma: A Window of Opportunity
This study is interesting because very often they say first-line therapies failed and you can move to second line therapy when it is too late and second-line therapies have little time to be effective. The proposed image analysis technique allows you to better assess the actual progression of the disease.
Valganciclovir as Add-on to Standard Therapy in Glioblastoma Patients
This study is very interesting as it establishes that by using Valganciclovir (Valcyte) approved for the treatment of cytomegalovirus and easily available on the market, overall survival has doubled in the 102 patients considered. Treatment worked well regardless of the methylation status (MGMT) of the glioblastoma.
This amazing study combining 3 different Phase 2 clinical trials shows that one third of people who underwent treatment with CMV (cytomegalovirus) vaccines became long term survivors with a survival of at least 5 years. This also makes us think how essential it is to allow simplified access to clinical trials.
This study applies to recurrent glioblastomas and shows that in the treated patients compared to the control group there is a survival that literally doubles. Many of the patients treated are probably still in good health.
Oncogene Responsible for Deadly Glioblastoma Identified
Scientists have identified the AVIL gene which normally helps cells maintain their size and shape. However, this gene can easily mutate and cause glioblastoma. The discovery offers promising new treatments to treat cancer since this gene is essential for the survival of cancer cells and without it, cells die. There are treatments that block this gene and have already been tested successfully in the laboratory and without side effects. It is now time to move on to clinical trials.
And that’s all for this two-month period! In this summer holiday period I have not been able to write much but I have been contacted by an increasing number of people whom I hope to have given at least some useful information.