Italian Version of the “Brain Tumor Guide for the Newly Diagnosed”
Finally, after a couple of months of work, here is attached the draft of the Italian translation of the Musella Foundation guide “Guide to brain tumor for newly diagnosed people”, a valuable source of information for those who today receive this terrible diagnosis and their family and friends.
This translation in Italian of the guide reflects in particular in some chapters the specificity of the US context, perhaps in the next versions with your help we will make it better. Please read it, disseminate it and report any errors and changes so that it can included in the printed version I would like to produce within mid-December or within a year of Emanuele 2018’s departure.
To download the Italian version of the guide please select this link:
To download the eBook of the Italian version of the guide please select this link:
To buy a printed copy of the Italian version of the guide please select this link:
Guida per le Nuove Diagnosi di Tumore Cerebrale.
To download the original version of the guide please select this link: