and the Glioblastoma care market size
This article is intended to be an editorial with some personal thoughts on glioblastoma, our plans for the coming months and a balance as it just passed a year from the beginning of this adventure.
As you may have noticed, the publication frequency of articles has decreased during the summer. I certainly needed a summer break since at the moment I manage this site on my own, but the support activities for requests for help have intensified considerably and these are arriving with increasing frequency. In fact, the users and visitors to the site are almost 20,000, of which about 80% from Italy.

This is therefore also a request for help. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you feel you can contribute in any way (suggesting an article, topic, writing a story or in any other way you can imagine).
The interest aroused by the site is almost surprising and the explanation is unfortunately simple. In this summer period and also partly due to the health emergency for Covid-19, there are not many innovations in the field of research but these articles that illustrate the size of the market struck me. These are the information that pharmaceutical companies use to decide where to focus their research investments.
- Glioblastoma Treatment Drugs Market Is Booming Worldwide (2020-2027) | By Top Leading …The Market Chronicles;
- Massive Growth Of Glioblastoma Treatment Market Size Strong Revenue and Competitive Outlook;
- Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme Treatment Market to Witness Robust Expansion by 2026 with …
You can certainly follow the links and read the numerous documents and detailed statistics but the message is clear: cases of glioblastoma multiforme are growing considerably. This means that many people get sick and currently we do not know the causes even if we can guess some connection with the different forms of pollution, it also means that the market becomes interesting for pharmaceutical companies and an increase in investment in research is to be expected and therefore, over time, new treatment opportunities that eventually could lead us to beat the “Terminator”.
Now, in the last few months I have been thinking a lot about what contribution and added value we can give with this site to patients and their loved ones. Obviously we will continue to publish research news and further insights on specific topics every two months, so do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in particular topics. In my experience with Emanuele, however, I suffered a lot from the lack of someone to provide me with directions… or rather what is the right path to follow, the one with the best chance of success. Someone who could act as a advisor even if leaving me the responsibility of the choice because it could not be otherwise. I therefore believe that the development of an advisor in the form of an evolution of the chatbot that is active on this site can be useful. The chatbot that is active is more than anything else a FAQbot that is the evolution of the old FAQs you could find on websites. This FAQbot will continue to evolve with the addition of new useful information. However, something more is needed that, for example, tell me directly which clinical trials are active on the national territory and also which are the centers that carry out specific treatments on the national territory or in the countries with which Italy has some form of agreement and how many patients have treated with specific therapies. For example, even if it is often not possible to choose the center where to do the neuro-surgical intervention, if there is the possibility it is certainly better to have neurosurgery in a center that treats several cases of glioblastoma and is well equipped, than in a center that does only few ones and is not well equipped, even if this involves some logistical inconvenience. While there is a clinical trial database, we will certainly need your help with the glioblastoma specialist center database and I would love to hear your opinion on it. With this information and with the contents of the Musella guide or even just the checklist, we will certainly be able to develop a Chatbot that provides advice, a path, to be verified then with the doctor and with the specialists. This could certainly help to fill that void that at least in the case of Emanuele we suffered and that some of you have said to me is one of the big problems that glioblastoma multiforme patients and their loved ones have to face.