Books on Glioblastoma Multiforme

23 September 2019 0 By Roberto Pugliese

In my search for information on Glioblastoma Multiforme I come across some books that can be useful to give some additional hints to patients and their relatives and friends.

Ben Williams’ book, “Surviving” terminal cancer: clinical studies, drug cocktails and other treatments that your oncologist will not talk to you about (Minneapolis: Fairview Press, 2002)” is very interesting. By selecting the link you can also buy it.

The author is one of the few survivors of glioblastomamultiforme and I think reading it is also useful to give a message of hope. It would have been really happy if I could have red it when Emanuele was diagnosed the GBM.

In short, the book has an introduction, three main sections and an index. Section One (“Round Trip to Hades”) describes the author’s meeting with brain tumor. Section two (“A system that needs reform”) describes the author’s criticism of a series of medical practices, which is proving to be not effective enough for this pathology. Section three (“What your oncologist will not tell you”) discusses a number of additional treatment options (the author also provides an online discussion of treatment options on the website).
Enjoy the reading!