Integrated oncology and adjuvant therapies to fight Glioblastoma

Integrated oncology and adjuvant therapies to fight Glioblastoma

After the remarkable success of the inaugural conference which has already been seen by nearly 700 people, the Voluntary Organization Glioblastoma.IT ODV is organizing a new conference entitled “Integrated oncology and adjuvant therapies to fight Glioblastoma”. The event will take place on Wednesday 17 November from 5 to 7 pm and will take place in Italian via videoconference on the Zoom platform. The event will be attended by internationally renowned experts: Prof. Paolo Lissoni, Director of Specialized Activities for Oncology at the San Gerardo Hospital in Monza until 2016, now continuing as a specialist in Oncological Immunoendocrinotherapy at the Institute of Biological Medicine in Milan, Prof. Carlo Pastore, Researcher at the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome and Head of the Oncology Division of the Villa Salaria Nursing Home in Rome and Prof. Giuseppe Di Fede, Health Director of the Institute of Biological Medicine (IMBio) and of the ImBio Lab in Milan.

These experts will offer you a complete overview of the clinical practice of integrated oncology and adjuvant therapies to fight glioblastoma multiforme.

The event will open with a very short presentation of the voluntary organization Glioblastoma.IT ODV, will follow the talks of the three speakers and will end with a session open to participants dedicated to questions and answers from the experts.


WEDNESDAY 17 NOVEMBER 2021 AT 17:00 – 19:00


17: 00-17:10
Dott. Roberto Pugliese – Introduction to the works

17: 10-17:30
Prof. Paolo Lissoni Pineal gland and immunity

17: 30-17:50
Prof. Carlo Pastore Complementary approach in phytotherapy and hyperthermia in glioblastoma

17: 50-18:10
Prof. Giuseppe Di Fede – Integrations and adjuvant therapies in glioblastoma: ozone therapy, vitamin C infusions, lipoic acid, how and when to start.

18: 10-18:50
Questions and Answers

18: 50-19:00
Dott. Roberto Pugliese – Conclusion of the works

Two platforms will be used for the event: Zoom and YouTube. The event will also be recorded to make it available and accessible even to those who cannot participate. Link to the zoom event to participate in the conference and to the youtube channel to follow the event in streaming will be published on this same page as soon as they are available.

Link to the videoconference on the Zoom platform: >>> Zoom Link. <<<

Link to the streaming recording of the video conference on YouTube: >>> YouTube channel. <<<

This is the first of our appointments dedicated to glioblastoma. We hope many of you will come.